Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Fastest Cars In the World By Autos Information!

The Fastest Cars In the World By Autos Information!

  1. Hennessey Venom GT(270 mph)

  1. The combination of a Lotus Elise chassis and 1.244-hp 7.0-liter twine-turbocharged V8 gives us the fast production car in the World. Depending on your definition of "fastest" and "production car." that is. 
  2. Hennessey recorded a 270.4-mph run at the Kennedy Space Center last Year.But only in one direction To be considered legitimate. Record attempts usually require one run in each direction.An average is that taken to account for wind conditions.
  3. Because of its hand-built nature. There's also some debate about whether the Venom GT qualifies as a production car.
  4. While it can claim the highest recorded speed. Hennessey's monster isn't recognized as the world's fastest car by the Guinness Book of World Record.

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Bugatti Veyron super sport (268 mph)

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When Volkswagen purchased the Bugatti brand. It had one goal; build the fastest production car in the world. The orignal veyron achieved that goal. And with a price tag of $1.7 million and a quad-turbocharged W16 Engine production 1,000 hp. it also boasted the most surpriatives of any production car.

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SSC Ultimate Aero (256 mph)

  1. Briefly, the might of the Volkswagen Group and the prestige of the Bugatti name were Bested by a car company no one had ever heard of,
  2. Shelby SuperCare (SSC) has nothing to do with Carroll Shelby of Cobra fame. but for a moment its Ultimate Aero was the fastest production car in the world. it hit 256 mph in 2007. beating the non-Super Sport version of the Veyron.

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Helping it achieve that velocity is a 6.3-liter twin-turbocharged V8 with 1,287 hp. There are no electronic driver aids to help control that power either, creating a purer droving experience for those with telant. and a scenario for certain death for those without it.

Autos Information


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